Submit a Grant Proposal

Follow our Guidelines & Criteria


Create it.

If your organization or project that your seeking grants for falls within our criteria. Follow the guidelines throughout. Refer to our Criteria & Guidelines tab on the website and create your Grant Proposal.


Submit it.

After following our guidelines and creating your grant proposal click the tab and submit your grant information and fill out the form and information.


Wait for it.

After submitting. Sit back, and wait we are a small foundation but we go through every grant proposal thoroughly in order to decide which grants we feel best reflect our mission and criteria. We have 2 granting cycles throughout the year in which we make disbursements to the many organizations and projects.

If we chose your organization or project to grant, CONGRATULATIONS! You will be contacted by a representative of The ZFF soon after. Good luck!

We are looking forward to going through all of the Grants submitted.